Digital Services
In recent years, HVCC has developed tailored IT systems to coordinate large vessels, feeders and inland ships. These systems, collectively referred to as the Port Collaboration Platform, centrally consolidate a wide range of relevant data and information in the Port of Hamburg. This consolidation forms the basis for various coordination services and alignment processes.
Data is continuously gathered and distributed. For example, vessel movements in Northern Europe are updated and synchronized with data received from other ports, traffic conditions on the Elbe River and within the Port of Hamburg. Thus, HVCC creates a comprehensive and real-time situational awareness for all operational planning processes.
Based on this situational awareness, berth reservations are digitally submitted to the Hamburg Port Authority AöR through HVCC systems. Terminals can reliably plan their resources, and shipping lines can transparently view arrival and berth planning. Nautical service providers in the Port of Hamburg are also connected to the HVCC situational awareness, as well as shippers and other stakeholders. HVCC provides an API for all stakeholder to integrate the data efficiently.
The result is optimized communication and planning processes for everyone involved in the Port of Hamburg. This ensures “One-single-truth” and optimized traffic flow control, which is achieved in cooperation with the harbour master's office of the Hamburg Port Authority AöR.

Our individual dashboards provide easy access to visualized real-time port call and planning information, including vessel traffic situation explanation, and serve as a synchronous planning basis for all partners

API Port-Call-Data
The API provides technical integration of the current ship arrival and departure schedule data of the Hamburg container and other partner terminals.

The data sharing platform provides all information regarding vessel arrivals and departures from the terminals, pilots, shipping agents/brokers, tugs, mooring lines and the harbour master's division.