API Port-Call-Data

The API Port-Call-Data provides the vessel sailing list. All currently valid arrival and departure schedule information of the container terminals are made available in real-time. The HVCC acts as representative and transmitter of the schedule data provided by the partner terminals for berth planning. Additionally, they act as representative and transmitter of arrival and departure times of vessels, which have been previously coordinated between vessel owners and terminals.

In addition to the planned and actual arrival and departure times, ship identification data (IMO, call sign, vessel name), voyage number of the vessels, the previous and subsequent ports on the vessels journey and additional berth information are available. The service can be accessed via three packages, meeting the needs of the user. The B2B integration allows real-time data access, avoiding any delay or omission of relevant port call changes.

 The specification for the API interface is provided in the following PDF document.

The service is offered in the form of three packages:

Package 1: 2-day forecast real-time sailing list of container terminals;

Package 2: Long-term forecast real-time sailing list including voyage numbers;

Package 3: Detailed port call data events including port-related berth information for the vessel.

Package 1

Package 2

Package 3

Electronical Sailing-List
Port Call-Events
RealTime Vesselplandata
2 daily pull or push requests
Ad-hoc / unlimited requests
Max 3 weeks planning horizon
Push or Pull API Json-Format
Push Events Rest API Json
All HH - Container Terminal calls
Vessel Identification Data
ETA, ETD at Terminal
ETA, ETD, ATA, ATD at Terminal
ATA-Passagepoints on River Elbe
VoyageNr. of Shipping Line
Previous & Following Port on route
Berth at Terminal, Berthing Side, ...
